Vaya Affiliate

The VIN - WIN Affiliate Marketing Program

Affiliate Marketing Program

Share the good word and profit from it too. Vaya products have proved to be high on functionality and great as style accessories. Be the reason for your circle of influence to be living good and looking good. Your friends and network will thank you for all the fabulous Vaya products and you can earn on every qualified order you help generate. Didn't we say it’s a VIN-WIN program?

Vaya Product Features

  1. High Quality - Best in class FDA-approved, BPA-Free materials
  2. Innovative - Patented VacuTherm Technology
  3. Sleek Designs - Is great as a style accessory
  4. Personalisation - Get your name on your Vaya
  5. Gift Wrapping - Great for gifting along with personalised message
Vaya Affiliate
Vaya Affiliate

How does the VIN Program Work?

  1. Simple! Sign-up for the program, register your site or your WhatsApp number, select products to promote and start earning on qualified sales.
  2. Select the product categories you want to promote from the Promotion page
  3. All product links, banners are tagged to uniquely identify you as the referrer. Your contacts can buy any time within 30 days of their first visit to and you will be eligible for the Referral fee.
  4. Qualifying orders are the ones which have been successfully delivered to the customer. Any returned items will be reduced from qualifying orders to arrive at the payout amounts.
  5. Orders that are rejected for acceptance by the customer will not be qualified for payout.
  6. Payouts will be done 45 days after the calendar month, i.e, for orders that are generated, say in May '20, and are qualified for payment, will be paid on the 15th of Jul '20.
  7. VIN program members can track the status of the orders they generate by logging into their VIN program account.
Vaya Affiliate